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Social Security Disability (SSD)

Charlotte Social Security Disability Lawyer

Do you have a serious illness, medical impairment or medical condition? Are you unable to work for a year or more because of it? If so, you can apply for Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) benefits. The process of obtaining SSDI benefits can be complicated, time consuming and even frustrating, especially for people who have never been through a process like this before. The Cummings Law Firm, P.A. can help you and minimize any confusion or frustration you are experiencing.

Our skilled Charlotte and Gastonia, North Carolina, SSDI eligibility lawyer can help. Contact us online or call (704)512-0697 to arrange a free initial consultation.

Confused about how to start the process of applying to Social Security Disability? Talk to us. We can help you get started and make sure you have all the right documents and materials.

Am I Eligible for SSDI?

Generally, you can receive SSD benefits if you meet the following requirements:

  • You have a medical condition or impairment that is so severe that you are prevented from working in any of the jobs that you held in the past 15 years. Your health problems must also prevent you from performing any other job generally available in the economy, taking into account your age, education and prior work experience.
  • Your medical problem must have lasted for at least a year, be expected to last at least a year or be expected to result in death.
  • You must have worked and paid into the Social Security system.

How Do Your Fees Work?

You pay no attorney fees unless we win your case. Our Charlotte Social Security Disability attorney offers free consultations. If he agrees to take your case, his fee is typically 25% of your past-due benefits. Social Security has a rule that caps attorney's fees at $6000.00. Attorney's fees are different than out-of-pocket costs, which may be incurred, for example, when obtaining your medical records.

Contact a Charlotte and Gastonia, North Carolina, SSDI Eligibility Attorney

If you need assistance with a Social Security Disability application, denial or appeal, contact The Cummings Law Firm, P.A., online or call us at (704)512-0697. We offer free consultations.

Our office location contact us

The Cummings Law Firm, P.A.
1230 W. Morehead Street, Suite 404
Charlotte, NC 28208

Phone: (704) 376-2853
Fax: (704) 376-3334

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