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Supplemental Security Income (SSI)

Charlotte Supplemental Security Income Attorney

When a person is disabled and has not paid into the Social Security system through payroll taxes, he or she can receive Supplemental Security Income (SSI). The individual will qualify for SSI if he or she has a financial need. If you are disabled but unsure if you qualify for SSI, talk to us at The Cummings Law Firm, P.A. We can look at your specific situation and help you with your next steps.

Our compassionate and skilled Charlotte and Gastonia, North Carolina, SSI benefits application lawyer can help you. Contact us online or call (704)512-0697 to arrange a free initial consultation.

Do you qualify? Supplemental Security Income is paid to individuals who are disabled, blind or 65 and older. They must have limited income and limited financial resources.

We Can Help Show You Have a Financial Need

Unlike Social Security Disability (SSD), you do not need to have paid into the Social Security system through payroll taxes to qualify for SSI benefits. Supplemental Security Income benefits are approved based on a financial need. In addition to meeting medical impairments, you must also meet financial requirements.

Can I Receive SSDI and SSI?

It is possible that you may qualify for both SSDI and SSI. Our law firm will look at both options for you. We seek to maximize the benefits you receive.

Can My Disabled Child Receive SSI?

Do you have a disabled child ? Children who are either physically or mentally disabled may qualify to receive Supplemental Security Income. They must qualify under the listing of medical impairments and limitations. Our Charlotte Supplemental Security Income lawyer can help if your son, daughter or other child is disabled and requires benefits.

Contact a Charlotte and Gastonia, North Carolina, SSI Benefits Application Lawyer

If you need assistance applying for or appealing a Supplemental Security Income claim, contact The Cummings Law Firm, P.A., online or call us at (704)512-0697.

Our office location contact us

The Cummings Law Firm, P.A.
1230 W. Morehead Street, Suite 404
Charlotte, NC 28208

Phone: (704) 376-2853
Fax: (704) 376-3334

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